Bach Flower Remedies

Puppy With Toy — San Diego, CA — South San Diego Veterinary Hospital

Soothing Pet Stress With the Magic of Bach Flower Essence Remedies

Here at South San Diego Veterinary Hospital, Dr. McAndrew uses Bach Flower Remedies and other flower remedies to treat animals for various emotional problems successfully. Once the basic problem is identified and the remedy administered, there is often evidence of rapid improvement. Flower essences work well when combined with other traditional or alternative medicines. At South San Diego Veterinary Hospital, we have experience mixing and matching the remedies most beneficial to your pet. If you're in the San Diego, CA, area, give us a call at 619-423-7121 to schedule today!

Natural Stress & Anxiety Solutions for Dogs & Cats

Here are some common problems and the flower remedy that works for them:

Homesick or Being Separated from Loved Ones


Skin Irritations

Agrimony, Beech or Crabapple

Slow Learners or to Increase the Ability to Focus

Clematis or Madia

To Quiet the Animal That Runs in Circles: 

Heather and Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud, White Chestnut

When Traveling

Beech (For Intolerance)

Scleranthus (For Equilibrium Problems)

Impatiens (For Nerves)

Walnut (For Transitions)

Elm (For Nerves)

Red Clover (For Nerves)

Star of Bethlehem (For Comfort)

Flower Essence for Pet Wellbeing

Flower essence remedies are tinctures produced from the essences of flowers. They have healing abilities and are used to treat people and animals. Each flower resonates at a frequency that can cause healing to occur. Taking the tinctures can contribute to an adjustment primarily on an emotional level.

History of Bach Flower Remedies

Originally, 38 flower remedies were discovered by English physician Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. These 38 remedies are called the Bach Flower Remedies. Today, many more flowers from around the world have been found to have healing abilities and are used as flower essence remedies.

Bach Flower Remedies Spotlight: Rescue Remedy

The most commonly used Bach Flower Remedy is the Rescue Remedy, which calms nervous animals in shock, afraid, or lonely. It contains essences of:
  • Cherry Plum
  • Clematis
  • Impatiens
  • Rock Rose
  • Star of Bethlehem

Try Bach Flower Therapy now; call 619-423-7121 for more information.

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