
Puppy With Toy — San Diego, CA — South San Diego Veterinary Hospital

Beyond Conventional: The Advantages of Homeopathic Care for Pets

South San Diego Veterinary Hospital incorporates homeopathic remedies as needed to optimize your pet's individualized care. For example, we often use a remedy called arnica after surgery, as it is purported to help control bruising and bleeding. We often use these remedies in conjunction with other treatment methods. We try to fit the treatment to your pet's specific needs. Visit our hospital in San Diego, CA, for the best in alternative pet healing therapies.

Origins of Homeopathic Practices for Pets

Animal homeopathic therapy originates in a theory of healing proposed by German physician Samual Hahnemann in the 19th century. His idea was to match a remedy to the patient's symptoms on the premise that "like cures like." Homeopathic practitioners use substances that, in large amounts, would cause a patient's symptomatic complaints. These substances are then diluted in a prescribed manner until the substance is gone entirely.

Homeopathic Theory for Healing

Homeopathic theory surmises that more dilution strengthens the potency of the final product. Remedies are supposed to be stored away from strong odors (such as perfumes and essential oils) and not touched until they are about to be used.

Homeopathic Pet Care Experts

You care about safe, effective medical care for yourself and your family; we know your pets are part of that family. If you want to learn how homeopathic care could benefit your pet, call us. We will help you understand every treatment, and we keep a library of homeopathic literature at our fingertips.

We would love to schedule an appointment and get to know you and your furry friend in person.

Looking for alternative healing therapies for your pet? Call us at 619-423-7121 to discuss homeopathy for your pets.

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