The Usui method of natural healing, as taught by Hawayo Takata, involves three levels or degrees. The healing energy begins to flow as soon as a practitioner has been initiated. The levels of Reiki are:
Each level requires its own set of attunements. Reiki initiations are for life. All healers use life force or Ki (Chi), but not all use Reiki. Reiki is given to a student through an attunement process. Reiki initiation attunes a practitioner to become a channel for the Reiki energy. It is a powerful, life-changing experience for growth along your spiritual path. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki master.
Once someone has received a Reiki attunement, they will have Reiki for the rest of their lives. Once a person receives an attunement, all necessary for the practitioner to use Reiki is to place their hands on the person to be healed with the intention of healing; the Reiki will go where it is most needed. It can never do any harm because it will adjust itself to create the appropriate effect for them.
If you want to explore energy healing for your fur baby, call us at 619-423-7121.